Margarita Núñez García



Margarita Núñez García, is known as Grandmother Margarita. She brings a message of love and feminine spirituality from Mother Earth, to the hearts of women and men.

Margarita Núñez García, conocida como la Abuela Margarita, trae un mensaje de amor y espiritualidad desde lo femenino ligado a la madre tierra, y al corazón de la mujer y el hombre.

Margarita comes from far away to help us remember the teachings of our ancestors. She reminds us of the importance of Mother Earth and Father Sun, which are the basis of humanity: our origin and source of subsistence. “My work is to plant seeds of knowledge so that they can grow and give fruits. I come to remind you of what is already inside you. The Woman has to take her place as the teacher of humanity and it is through her that change will come.”

Abuela Margarita belongs to the Native Council of Elders of America and has participated in numerous aboriginal gatherings in Mexico, Brazil, Peru, the United States, Canada, and Europe. She takes part in the Sundance, Earthdance, Moondance, and other ceremonies, including sweatlodges and vision quests on a regular basis. (*Abuela = Spanish for Grandmother)